Mission Statement
Our Mission is to reduce the effects of spiritual decline and decay in today’s society; to re-assert the importance of spirituality and values in our daily lives and to minister to the psycho-social and economic needs of our community.
Vision Statement
Our vision is for an intergenerational, multi-cultural, family-oriented church that is growing and vibrant, with a committed focus on the spiritual obligations of our Church Covenant.
The Church will be a continuously improving, valued, integral member of the community and will identify and assess the spiritual, natural and financial needs of the community; implementing strategies that will address those needs, empowering members of the community and evaluating the results of our activities.
About Our Pastors

Bishop Roy D. Ferguson was born in Marion, Louisiana, on September 21, 1948 where he grew up on a small farm in the rural south. After graduating from high school in May 1966, he matriculated at Southern University, Baton Rouge, La, where he studied engineering preparatory courses. After the first year of study at Southern University, he decided to move to Detroit, MI.
Realizing and accepting the need for spiritual development, he committed his life to Christ and joined the International Gospel Center Church in 1966. He became an Ordained Elder in 1970. This leadership position required good moral character, a sense of dedication and a genuine passion for hurting people. Visiting the sick and shut–in were a major part of his duties in addition to performing funerals, weddings, counseling parishioners, leading worship services, conducting mission crusades and leadership conferences.
Roy began his illustrious secular career as an hourly production worker at Ford Motor Company in August 1967. Quickly, he began his meteoric rise within the company. In 1969, he entered the Ford skilled trades Apprenticeship Program of plumbing/pipefitting and attained the journeyman status by 1973. Moreover, Elder Ferguson matriculated through Wayne State University, earning a B.S. in Manufacturing/Industrial Engineering Technology in 1977. He then changed careers from a journeyman skilled tradesman to a salaried manufacturing engineering position. By 1980, he had earned a M.A. in Business Management from Central Michigan University. His commitment to the pursuit of excellence did not go unnoticed by the management team on his job. The rank of engineering supervisor was gained by 1986. Promotion was again the order of the day in1988 when he became productivity manager.
Senior level management elevation occurred in 1989 in the form of modernization manager. At this top-level position, he became responsible for an $80M plant renovation program. His attention to detail and the ability to see the big picture made the project a success. Again, he was rewarded for his diligence. This time as the area-manufacturing manager in 1992. The position called for the responsibility of $96M in assets that yielded sales revenue of $4200M annually and the supervision of over 11 hundred hourly and salaried employees.
Elder Ferguson’s unique personal combination of business acumen and spirituality was being thoroughly developed and in 1998, he stepped out and formed World Deliverance Temple Church in Southfield, MI. As Pastor of fifty people at the first service, he recognized he had a responsibility that demanded all the experience he had gained up to that point.
Undaunted, Pastor Ferguson remained at Ford Motor Company in the positions of global marketing sales/service manager and manufacturing engineering and strategy manager until his retirement in 2001. At the same time, he pastored a growing congregation that needed guidance and nurturing in addition to developing a vision for the people.
World Deliverance Temple moved to Dearborn Heights, MI in 1999, where they purchased a 24,000 sq ft facility, positioned on 2.5 acres of land and now the ministry had grown to over six hundred members. In 2001, the building underwent a $1.5 million renovation and expansion program that included upgrades to the office wing, fellowship hall, sanctuary and provisions for a daycare. Pastor Ferguson used all his expertise to lead the project to completion.
Pastor Ferguson did not leave his community behind. He personally developed an entire city block in Romulus, MI by either renovating existing homes or building homes from the ground up. He has received numerous accommodations/accolades from mayors, other elected city officials and the President of the United States for his community achievements.
In November of 2003, after completing all the requirements for his doctorate, a Doctor of Ministry degree was conferred upon him. He also completed work on his dissertation entitled “Poverty shall No Longer knock At Thy Door,” and received a Ph.D. in Religious Studies in 2004. In addition, an honorary Doctorate in Divinity was conferred upon him in May of 2004, for his outstanding lifetime achievement in religious, business and community development.
Pastor Ferguson was consecrated to the office of bishop in April 2004. In preparation for his elevation, he has also, obtained a degree from the African American College of Bishops which concluded with a final pilgrimage to Rome, Italy, including a visit to the Vatican and an audience with the Pope. Currently he has led 6 pilgrimages to the Holy Land. Bishop Ferguson currently oversees a group of pastors in the greater Detroit area. He is also the CEO of Kidz Zone & World Community Impact, which has unveiled a five-year campus expansion initiative called: 20/20 Vision that includes building a senior’s living facility, childcare center expansion and commercial building. The Vision is rapidly unfolding with the successful completion of Phase I where the entire facility was renovated and upgraded.
Bishop Roy D. Ferguson is married to Co-Pastor Delores Ferguson where they celebrated 50 years of marital bliss on August 3, 2018. They have three children, Brandon (Erin) and twins Lindsey and Jemika and two grandchildren: Zoe and Asa.
Bishop Ferguson is a man of excellence, who impacts the community, the nation and the world. He formed RDF Ministries to teach and preach the gospel to all people, conduct evangelistic activities, train and ordain ministers of the gospel, provide religious, charitable and humanitarian services.
What We Believe
The Word – We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men supernaturally inspired; that it is true without error and shall remain the only complete and final revelation of the will of God to man. (II Timothy 3:16)
Triune GOD – We believe in the true God as manifested in the Holy Trinity
The Holy Trinity is the union of three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit in one (unified) God head of divinity, so that all three persons are one in unity and eternal substance, but three separate and distinct persons as to individuality.
(I John 5:7-8, Matthew 3:16-17)
- God the Father – Ephesians 4:6
- God the Son (Jesus) – St. John 5:16, St. John 14:6
- God the Holy Ghost – St. John 14:26
The Devil – We believe that Satan was once holy and enjoyed Heavenly honors; but through pride and ambition to be the almighty, fell and drew after him a host of angels; that he is now the malignant prince of power of the air, and the unholy god of his world. (St. John 8:44, I John 3:8)
Creation – We believe in the genesis account of creation and that it is to be accepted as it is written: that man was created directly in God’s own image and in His likeness. (Genesis 1:27)
Sin – We believe that man was created in innocence under the law of his maker, but by voluntary transgression fell from his sinless and happy state. In consequence of which, all mankind are no sinners. (Romans 3:23)
The Virgin Birth – We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten of the Holy Ghost, born of Mary, a virgin, as no other man was ever born or can be born of a woman, and that He is both the Son of God, and God the Son. (Matthew 1:23, 21)
Atonement for Sin – We believe that the salvation of sinners is wholly of Grace through the Son of God, who by appointment of the Father freely took upon Him, our nature, yet without sin, honored the divine law by His personal obedience, and by His death made a full atonement for our sins. (Ephesians 2:8, 9 Romans 10:9, 10)
Baptism – We believe that Water Baptism is a sacred act instituted by Jesus Christ by which we are baptized into Christ and into His Death. (Matthew 28:18-20, Romans6:3, 4)
Baptism of the Holy Spirit – We believe there is a second work of grace after salvation for every believer, called the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:4)
Communion (The Lord’s Supper) – We believe that the Lord’s Supper is sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ on the night before he died, that confirms that covenant made with God through the blood of Christ. It is a fulfillment of the eternal covenant of the Passover Feast, which God commanded the Israelites to observe. Through the blood of the Lamb, the Israelites confirmed their covenant with God. (I Corinthians 11:23-26)
Foot Washing – We believe that Jesus Christ instituted Foot Washing as a sacrament. Just as Baptism removes the enmity in us against God and enables us to love God, so foot washing removes the enmity in us against our brother and enables us to love out brother as we love ourselves. (Romans 13:10, St. John 13:14, 15)
The Resurrection and Return of Christ (rapture) – We believe that Christ died for our sins, was resurrected, ascended to His Father in Heaven and will soon return to rapture His Church. (I Corinthians 15:51-52, I Thessalonians 4:13-17)
Giving – We believe in the joyful giving of tithes and offerings. (Malachi 3:8-10, Luke 6:38, II Corinthians 9:6-7)
Fasting – We believe in the voluntary refraining from food and drink at a time and for a time, to give us the opportunity to give our full attention to a particular matter. It must be accompanied with sincere prayer to be effective in securing an answer for God. (Isaiah 58, Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 17:14-21)
Prayer – We believe that prayer is the sincere desire of the hear communing with God. (Luke 18:1)
Laying on of Hands – We belief that divine power or qualities can be transferred from one believer to another by laying the hands upon the head of an individual, for the purpose of praying, blessing, anointing and ordaining. (Mark 16:15-17, Acts 8:17)
Missions – We believe in promoting the salvation of the lost, no matter where they may be (Matthew 28:19)