Deacons assist the pastor with ordinances of baptism, the Last Supper (communion) and foot washing. They assist in pastoral obligations, such as visiting the sick and shut in. They serve as a disciplinary committee and manage offerings/benevolence fund.

Titus 2 Women
As a branch of the current Women’s Ministry, the goal and purpose of Titus 2 is to provide encouragement and hope to the special needs of women within and beyond the walls of WDT; utilizing the biblical teaching principles of Titus 2:3-5

Pastor’s Support Ministry
Pastor’s Support Ministry aids the pastor in whatever he may need to best meet the goals for serving the church. The ministry may encourage participation of all members of the church to help in further aid to the pastor.

Ushers greet members and guests as they arrive and escort them to their seat. They assist people with special needs and assist during the collection of the offering.

Adult Sunday School
Adult Sunday School teaches the Word of God with simplicity and understanding according to Proverbs 4:7. It teaches the body of Christ biblical doctrine so that we may be grounded in the Truth.

Kingdom Kids
At World Deliverance Temple we want Sunday to be the best day of the week for everyone, especially children! We have a special place for your child Sundays at 9:00 and 10:00 AM. Our Kingdom Kids Ministry provides a safe, spiritual, and fun environment where God’s Word comes to life through creative drama, music, innovative lessons and more. Kingdom Kids provides the spiritual foundation that every child needs through biblical teachings aimed at God’s most precious. Children of all ages will laugh, learn, play, explore, grow, and feel loved.
Proverb 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart

Outreach Ministry
The purpose of the Outreach Ministry is to reach the lost, the backslidden and the downtrodden within the community by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and showing the love of God. (John 3:16)

Women of Charity
The Women of Charity serves to reflect the love of Christ through examples of thankfulness, quality, and honor. They organize and help with fundraising activities and provide food assistance for Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets. They express to all that someone does care for them and has respect for their needs without any selfishness.

Hospitality Team
The purpose of the Hospitality Team is to greet and acknowledge everyone who enters World Deliverance Temple, serve as stewards of the church, and resonate the love of Christ. The team may provide support to the Food Ministry and serve during fellowship and after special events for the pastor and invited guests.

Training and Development Team
The training and Development Team provides all church teams (auxiliaries, boards, church leaders and members) with knowledge and skills to manage themselves effectively or lead other adults. The team supports and develops the organizational capacity of the church through training.

Prayer Warriors
Prayer Warriors live a life of prayer and seek God. They are loyal and committed to stand in the gap to pray for others to fight personal and spiritual battles. They regularly intercede on behalf of others before God.

Female Adjutants
Adjutants serve Co-Pastor Ferguson and assist her with any need she may have. They serve one of God’s leaders to help carry the load of the ministry, and keep the Co-Pastor lifted in prayer. They serve her with dignity and confidentiality.

Male Adjutants
The male adjutants serve the pastor in any way possible and anticipate the pastor’s needs. Adjutants are appointed to shepherd the pastor of the church, and to provide support and protection. They assume many roles and responsibilities.

Nurses nurture through spiritual support and strive to be aware of the needs of the congregation, Co-Pastor and the Bishop. They provide comfort, encouragement, and compassionate care for all as instructed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Ministers acknowledge a calling to a specific work in the church and provide spiritual guidance. Ministers lead people to Christ and have a passionate desire for some form of local missionary work, including teaching.

Audio and Media Team
The purpose of the audio and media team is to use technology to enhance and amplify the Word of the Lord by providing sounds, lights, and digital display before, during and after Bishop’s message. They also communicate key dates and information to the Saints through presentation software and posts on social media.

Intercessory Prayer Ministry
The purpose of the Intercessors is to pray boldly and confidently so the will of the Lord will be done. Through fasting and prayer, individually or collectively, intercede on behalf of the congregation to build up the body of Christ.

Worship 4 Life
The purpose of the Praise Team is to uplift the Saints through song by ushering in the spirit of the Lord. They show reverence to the Lord by communing with the congregation through praise and worship.

Men’s Chorale
The purpose of the Men’s Chorale is to sing unto God in hopes of edifying the body of Christ. As servants of the Lord, they elevate and encourage the congregation through song.

Church Growth Team
The goal of the team is to reach new members with accurate, encouraging, and timely information. They keep the current membership active and informed of current and future events.

Mothers Board
The church mothers are praying women that have been longtime members of the congregation. They mentor, model and teach acceptable behavior. The mothers board also offers support to the pastor and to his staff.